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8 Ways Exercise Can Improve Your Sex Life

By: Carol Queen, PhD

Many people assume a prescription for hormones, arousal meds or Viagra are what they need for sexual problems, but there is a much more accessible way to improve your sex life and we promise you’ll appreciate the side effects. An under-recognized secret to easier arousal, better sexual stamina, and stronger orgasms? Exercise. 

Sure, we’ll wait right here while you power-walk around the block. Enjoy! 


Good Vibes: How Exercise Can Improve Your Sex LifeThe Connection between Exercise and Sex Life

Exercise supports your well-being in too many ways to count, and several of these wellness effects can have a strong positive effect on your sex life. Heart health and circulation impact your ability to become aroused. Orgasm is felt not just between your legs, but throughout your body, and healthy core muscles can amplify the sensations. Exercise can improve mood and make it easier to get good rest, and those are also elements that support sexual functioning. Exercise embodies you–that is, it maximizes your sense of being in your body. And guess what else does that?

There are few elements of health (or health challenges) that do not affect your sexual well-being. If you speak to your doc about sexual issues, make sure to let them know if you are largely sedentary – if so, we probably won’t be the only ones prescribing exercise! And if you speak to a medical provider about mobility or other health issues, spell out any sexual challenges you’re having too. Also, you may want to consider age as a factor as well - though exercise and enjoying sex are for anyone at any age! These things are often connected, and addressing one can help address the other. (While you’re there, ask the doc to tell you about any sexual side effects from prescription drugs.)

1: Exercise Boosts Your Physical Confidence

Of course we know that one common reason people take up exercise is to feel more comfortable in their bodies, either because they want to sculpt their silhouettes or just to feel their bodies move. As we like to remind you, you look fabulous the way you are! And bodily comfort and pleasure are for people of all sizes and looks (not to mention for people of every age). But if you don’t feel great in your body, it can be harder to achieve these markers of well-being. So it’s no surprise that every New Year people start flocking to the gym. Those who stick with an exercise program can be rewarded by more energy and endurance–but also a very personal response, if that exercise routine has boosted their confidence, self-esteem, and made them happier to live in the skin they’re in. That can help adults feel sexier and more confident in that way as well, since body image can certainly intersect with sexual issues (though it isn’t a given that it will, either). And if you’re interested in the kind of exercise that helps maximize your physical abilities–training for a marathon, learning to swim, dance lessons, and so many more options–your sense of yourself can soar. And confidence is attractive, you know, so give yourself the gift of being happy in your body. 
PS–Some people do that just by having sex! Which, of course, is exercise!


Good Vibes: How Exercise Can Improve Your Sex Life2: Exercise Increases Blood Flow

Exercise is great for your circulatory system. That means heart health, blood pressure… and your ability to get physically aroused, which enlists your circulatory system to divert plenty of blood to the genitals and other erogenous areas of your body, where it in turn powers erections (clitoral, penile, whatever you’ve got in your pants) and feeds the sensitive nerves of the genitals so they can drive the amazing sensations of good sex. And exercise tends to support the veins and arteries that power the constant hydraulics of blood flow, plus, of course, maintaining the health of the heart. This, in particular, is the bodily system that suffers when we are too sedentary–so get out there! Or dance around the house. Impaired blood flow isn’t good for you overall, but if you need motivation to move, remind yourself that not doing so is bad for your sex life.


3: Exercise Enhances Flexibility

Moving your body facilitates the ability to move your body. That is, it’s good for your musculoskeletal system–your flexibility, range of motion, and–let’s be frank–your ability to assume whichever position you enjoy when you’re having sexy fun. If you miss being able to go through all the Kama Sutra positions, consider exercise that supports flexibility, like yoga or tai chi, to get you back in the game. In any case, it will help keep movement comfortable.


4: Exercise Helps Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Exercise helps you deal with life’s stressors–it can change your focus, and it floods the body with chemicals that make stress and anxiety fade or at least be easier to cope with. Endorphins generated during exercise (or kinky play, or sex–see, we told you it was a form of exercise!) will help lift the clouds, so take that walk, take a stretch break, dance around while you make dinner. You’ll feel less stressed-out if you do.    


Good Vibes: How Exercise Can Improve Your Sex Life5: Exercise Leads to Better Endurance 

Partly because of its positive role in heart health, exercise helps with endurance–the ability to keep going without tiring out or sustaining injury. This can affect your energy level during erotic play whether you’re swinging a flogger or seeking to beat your personal best during intercourse. (Make sure your partner wants to go that long! You do know there are plenty of pleasure factors beyond how long you can last, right? Also, do you have enough lube?)


6: Exercise Can Improve Hormonal Balance 

Hormones fluctuate constantly–over the course of a month, throughout our life spans–but a healthy hormonal balance is very important for maintaining libido, sexual sensation, and other overarching health metrics. You can take supplemental hormones, but a healthy level of exercise can improve your hormonal state without that. If you are in, near, or past perimenopause, this would be a good time to make sure your doctor knows about hormones too. Not all MDs get much info about menopause.


Good Vibes: How Exercise Can Improve Your Sex Life7: Exercise for a Better Mood

We mentioned the effects of exercise on anxiety and depression, but overall mood can get a boost from moving your body, too. Don’t let an uninspired point of view leach over into your libido! Keep it moving for a better outlook on life and the benefits that will have on your lifestyle.

8: Exercise Fosters Better Sleep 

Did you know that sleep health is related to stress and energy levels, mood problems, overall health… and libido and sexual functioning? Not getting good sleep can dampen a lot of the joys in life–and your ability to think and concentrate, too. Take your sleep hygiene seriously! Oh, and did we mention that exercise can be great for sleep? 


If you have any health concerns, have been sedentary for a little too long, or notice any problems if you start an exercise plan on your own, talk to your doctor. Underlying health issues can require some guidance when you start to exercise, so set yourself up for success by getting a checkup and discussing your plans with your healthcare team. Stay within the guardrails they recommend for getting the most out of your resolution to exercise–and creating a plan that enhances your life. 
And then–move that sexy body!

Oh, and don't forget to stretch ;)

FAQ: How Can Exercise Improve Your Sex Life?