May is International Masturbation Month

Good Vibrations began celebrating National Masturbation Month in 1995. A few months earlier, then-Surgeon General Dr. Joycelyn Elders was fired for saying that masturbation should "perhaps be discussed" as part of young peoples' sex education. We were astounded. It was one of the most sensible things we'd ever heard a government official say -- and it cost Elders her job!

We started National Masturbation Month -- now International Masturbation Month, with people celebrating across the globe -- to raise awareness and to highlight the importance of masturbation for nearly everyone: it's safe, it's healthy, it's free, it's pleasurable and it helps people get to know their bodies and their sexual responses.

Of all the kinds of sex people can have, masturbation is the most universal and important, yet few people talk about it freely -- worse, many people still feel it is "second best" or problematic in some way. Masturbation Month lets us emphasize how great it is: it's natural, common, and fun!

The Masturbation Taboo

Almost everyone masturbates, but all too few of us are willing to admit to enjoying this simple pleasure -- mostly because of the taboo against masturbation in our society.

Although most people today are aware that masturbation isn't as bad as previous generations may have believed it to be, many are still constrained by the notion that it's an immature activity or a second-rate substitute for partner sex. We live in a society in which sexual expression has always been legislated and restricted and the pursuit of pure pleasure is frequently condemned as selfish. A lot of people who consider themselves free of sexual hang-ups have simply rewritten the equation "sex is only good if it involves procreation" to "sex is only good if it involves two loving people."

Masturbation can be a radical act, and the culture that suppresses masturbation may suppress many other personal freedoms as well. While celebrating Masturbation Month and doing your part to bring self-love out of the closet, keep in mind that consent-based erotic freedom is essential to true well-being, everywhere.

Why Masturbate?

  • Because masturbation is immensely pleasurable, invigorating, rejuvenating and fun.
  • Because sexual pleasure is each person's birthright.
  • Because masturbation is the ultimate safe sex.
  • Because masturbation can be a joyous expression of self-love.
  • Because masturbation offers numerous health benefits including pain relief (menstrual cramps, begone!), stress reduction, endorphin release, stronger pelvic muscles, and more.
  • Because masturbation is an excellent cardiovascular workout.
  • Because each person is their own best lover.
  • Because masturbation helps you learn a lot about what you like and respond to.
  • Because masturbation with a partner can be educational and hot.
  • Because masturbation increases sexual awareness.

Masturbation is our first sexual activity, a natural source of pleasure that's available to us throughout our lives, and a unique form of creative self-expression. Each time you masturbate, you're celebrating your sexuality and your innate capacity for pleasure, so give yourself a hand!

Masturbation Month

Wanna Learn More?

Check out our most popular blog posts on masturbation: