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Dr. Carol QueenGreetings—I’m Dr. Carol Queen and I'm so pleased to welcome you to the world of pleasure you can access by exploring Good Vibes. Please feel free to browse the wealth of informational material here at, especially our staff blogs. Everything on our site is meant to inform and inspire you, from sex education to staff-selected, high-quality products. And if you're in the San Francisco Bay or Boston areas, join us at one of our stores for shopping and special events. I help plan those events with my wonderful colleagues Educator Andy Duran and Lisa Finn. We’re also here to answer your questions and help you find information and resources—and Andy and I work with GV’s education program, where each employee receives in-depth training on anatomy, sexuality, and products.

I’m also available for interviews, fact checking for writers or editors, student consultations, and public speaking engagements.

More about me…

I’m an award-winning author, sex-positive activist and educator with a PhD in sexology. I joined Good Vibes in 1990 after meeting our founder Joani Blank (at a Betty Dodson workshop!), who invited me to become part of the team. (Thanks, Joani—you changed my life!). I represent Good Vibes to the public and the press, and serve as Staff Sexologist and Historian—and the curator of our Antique Vibrator Museum, where I lead group docent tours. I seek to engage audiences with humor, information, and expertise at these and other in-store and community presentations.

I Literally Wrote the Book!

The Sex & Pleasure BookIn 2015, drawing on over 40 years of diverse and informative customer interactions plus extensive academic training and community experience, I served as the lead author of The Sex & Pleasure Book: Good Vibrations Guide to Great Sex for Everyone, alongside Shar Rednour, who helped me get all the details out of my head and onto the page. The assignment was: Download my brain and the decades of Good Vibes' institutional knowledge for all to access! And thus, The Sex & Pleasure Book was born! It's chock full of info about anatomy, arousal, toys, orgasm and so much more. I’m so honored that this book has become an empowering resource for people of many identities and experience levels—everyone needs information about sexuality as they journey across the lifespan.

Dr. Queen Gets Around 

Honorable Mentions
Carol Queen SF Pride Parade photo by Daniel Nicoletta

I’ve been fortunate to travel the world as I share Good Vibes’ story and my expertise in a multitude of ways: leading workshops and teaching classes, participating in socially relevant sex-positive events, serving as a conference keynote speaker or panelist. I’ve addressed such professional and scholarly gatherings as the International Condom Conference, International Conference on Prostitution, International Conference on Pornography, and conferences of professional organizations Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality and American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists. I often lecture at colleges and universities, and was honored with an invitation to debate the question of Promiscuity (Virtue or Vice?) at England’s Oxford Union.

Carol Queen O AwardI’ve been recognized with awards for my writing and activism, served as Community Grand Marshall at SF Pride, and was sainted by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

In honor of my body of work, my longevity and ceaseless pleasure products advocacy at Good Vibes, and all my varying contributions to sexual wellness and awareness, I received the inaugural AVN “O” Award for Outstanding Achievement in 2009.


Staff Sexologist/Historian, Curator of Antique Vibrator Museum
Dr. Carol Queen

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