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Ordering and Shipping

General Order Information
Payment Options

Note: You must be at least 18 years old to order items from our site.

For more information about shipping, please read about our SHIPPING INFORMATION.

General Information


Every time you click on a link to order, you will have an opportunity to view your cart and may add to or delete items from your order. When you are satisfied with your order, you will then be prompted to enter in your customer information and your password (if you're a returning customer). Once you have entered this information you may choose to send your order to us online or print it out and send it by another method.

Our online orders are protected by SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology, which renders ordering through our web site with a credit card as secure as using your credit card in a retail store.


For orders placed online or via fax or mail, we accept the following credit cards: MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover and PayPal.

Good Vibrations e-gift cards may be used as partial or complete payment for orders online.


If you're ordering online, our system will automatically calculate sales tax for you. If you're mailing or faxing in your order and your order will be shipped to a California, Massachusetts or Georgia address, please add your appropriate local sales tax.