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For Immediate Release

July 9th, 2014

Join the Consent Revolution!

Good Vibrations Announces Participation in Summer of Consent

CONTACT: Amanda Harris Public Relations & Community Manager

SAN FRANCISCO, July 9, 2014: Good Vibrations, the legendary San Francisco-based retailer that takes pride in providing accurate information on sexuality and toys for grown-ups, announces their support of an open-source campaign to encourage healthy discussion and education about the issue of sexual consent. Summer of Consent, a project to raise awareness and raise diverse voices of people and organizations with a stake in consent culture, is also supported by the Center for Sex & Culture and San Francisco BDSM community-based organization Consent Matters.

All teachers, activists, bloggers, erotic writers, media outlets, parents, individuals and couples are invited to co-create Summer of Consent. As Staff Sexologist, Dr. Carol Queen notes in her Good Vibrations blog post announcing the project, "Everyone ought to be talking about this: about consent and how to know when you have it, about the effects when it’s not present, about rape culture and slut-shaming, about how to create a culture of consent. Come on, everybody: Talk about consent––what it is, how you recognize it, how it affects your sex life, how its absence affects things. What’s enthusiastic consent? How do people who aren’t given the right to a full sexuality even get to enthusiasm? Use your hashtags and use your words. Make this topic as rich and complex and interesting as we know it is."

It's a rare news cycle these days that does not feature messages about rape culture, sexualized violence, slut-shaming and its effects, the political effects of the “war against women,” and pundits’ comments about it all. In a society that is reluctant to provide youth with comprehensive sex education that addresses safety and pleasure, the problems associated with a lack of informed, enthusiastic consent are hardly going away. Please join us in ramping up the conversation even more––every one of us can share information that helps move sexuality in the direction of safety and informed consent.

“We’ve had the Summer of Love in San Francisco,” says Queen, “and that helped change the world. It’s long past time that we follow it up with a Summer of Consent.”

Summer of Consent’s hashtag is #SummerOfConsent. Good Vibrations invites the community to share their thoughts on consent on social media and to send their written pieces about consent to for possible inclusion in the online blog.

About Good Vibrations
Good Vibrations is the San Francisco Bay Area based retailer trusted for more than three decades to provide a comfortable, safe environment for finding quality products, trusted information and educational materials to enhance one's sex life. Visit online at, Please follow us on Twitter @GoodVibesToys

About the Center for Sex & Culture:
The Best of the Bay-winning nonprofit Center for Sex & Culture houses a library, gallery, archive, and hosts sex education and cultural events. Its mission is to provide judgment-free education and other resources to audiences across the sexual and gender spectrum; and to research and disseminate factual information, framing and informing issues of public policy and public health. See more at: To request to be included on press or email events lists, please contact Follow on Twitter at @CentrSexCulture

About Consent Matters:
Consent Matters is a project to build a network of like-minded individuals and community representatives, groups and venues to help promote consensual interactions in BDSM, social and alternative sexual communities. We aim to be a central place that provides education, resources and information regarding mutual consent, with a focus on open inter-group communication. Please visit and follow on Twitter at @ConsentMatters
