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How To... Good Vibrations Sexual Education: Lubricants

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Lubricant How To Articles

How to Choose a Lubricant

How to use Lubricant & Contraceptives


Please Natural Lubricants

Lube Comparison Chart

What are Lubricants

  • Lubricants are a quick and inexpensive way to enhance and improve your sex life.
  • Despite the myths, a woman’s level of arousal doesn’t necessarily match how much her vagina lubricates.
  • Changes in hormone levels, pregnancy, and menopause often change how much someone’s body lubricates. So do many prescription and over-the-counter drugs such as alcohol, cigarette smoking, anti-histamines, and anti-depressants.
  • Lubricants are a must to make anal sex safer and more fun.
  • Lubricants make condoms more effective.
  • None of our lubricants contain oils, which make latex condoms break
  • None of our lubricants contain spermicides. Varying amounts of lubricant used means getting too much or too little spermicide, plus some people are sensitive to these chemicals.

What are the Different Types of Lubricants

  • Thinner lubricants may be preferred for vaginal sex while thicker lubricants are usually better suited for anal sex.
  • Water-based lubricants with glycerin usually last longer, but they can get sticky if they dry out. While these lubricants don’t cause yeast infections, they can make a yeast infection worse, so women who are prone to them may want to avoid these products.
  • Water-based lubricants without glycerin may not last as long, but they don’t get sticky. The creamy lubricants last longer but may have a bitter taste, so if flavor is an issue, try one of the clear brands.
  • Silicone-based lubricants never dry out, have no scent or flavor, and are waterproof, but they can be more difficult to clean up. Some silicone lubricants can damage some silicone toys, so cover your toy with a condom if you want to mix these products.
  • Flavored lubricants are a great way to make oral sex more fun. They’re a better bet than honey or chocolate sauce since sugar can cause yeast infections.

How to Pick a Lubricant

  • Each person’s body chemistry is different, so you may need to experiment to find the brand that’s best for you.
  • Just as your favorite shampoo or skin lotion may stop being as effective after a while, some people find that they need to change their brand of lubricant every so often.
  • If you ever find you have a reaction to a lubricant –redness, itching, discomfort—try a different brand. These reactions could also be a signal that you are sensitive to latex, so you might want to try a poly condom instead of a latex one.
  • Our Please Lube Sample Pack makes it easy to try a few different styles before purchasing a bottle.
  • Pump bottles make it easier to add a little lubricant. The larger bottles are also more economical, once you find your favorite brand. Avoid touching the dispenser tip with your fingers.
  • Some lubricants can stain sheets, so you may want to lay a towel down.